About CCP

The Chennai City Partnership Project (CCP) has been envisaged by the Government of Tamil Nadu (GoTN) in association with the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) or the World Bank, which brings both financing and knowledge of the bank to support the transformation of the Capital city of Chennai.

The partnership is seen as a programmatic engagement that is multi-phased and commences with a multi-sectoral operation—the Chennai Sustainable Urban Services Program (C-SUSP)—focusing on the institutional and financial changes that can drive significant improvements in delivery in select services such as Mobility, Water and limited Municipal services but will be scaled up across other services in subsequent phases

Vision for Transformation

The Chennai Sustainable Urban Services Program (C-SUSP) is a Multi-Sector Programme, financed by the World Bank under its Program for Results Financing (PforR) framework and additionally involves co-financing by the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).

CCP will seek to enhance resilience, quality and sustainability of selected urban services in the Greater Chennai metropolitan area. This programme seeks to consolidate different pieces of ongoing initiatives and efforts and tries to pivot towards service delivery and reform by providing more integrated efforts towards service delivery and reforms and institutions. The overall vision for the program is to bring a transformation in Chennai Metropolitan Area (CMA) by focusing on the physical infrastructure on one hand and at the same time undertaking complementary efforts towards enhancing the service delivery aspect of the physical infrastructure

Key Feature of the Program

The PforR approach places a more direct emphasis on the results by making them the basis for disbursement of funds. The Disbursements linked indicators (DLIs) are designed focusing on the physical infrastructure to be developed on the one hand and basing the disbursement of funds upon achieving pre-agreed indicators or targeted impact on the associated service delivery component of the physical infrastructure.


The PforR Program will support and strengthen the implementation of the first phase of the government program by focusing on a core set of service delivery improvements across the identified service sectors with US $701millionin financing over 5 years (2021-2026). The main implementing agencies (IAs) under the program are:


    Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (CMWSSB)


    Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC)


    Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTC)


    Water Resource Department, Government of Tamil Nadu (WRD)


    Chennai Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority (CUMTA)

The overall responsibility of coordination and monitoring of the programme is tasked with the Tamil Nadu Infrastructure Development (TNIDB) under the Finance Department.

The PforR Program boundaries are defined as follows:
  1. Services. The Program covers all the identified service sectors under the Government program including (i) health; (ii) municipal SWM; (iii) urban mobility, with a focus on strengthening bus service delivery, municipal pedestrian infrastructure, and women’s safety in public spaces; and (iv) WRM and urban WSS. In each of these, the Program covers a subset of activities and investments supported under the government program. A key difference between the government program and PforR is that the latter prioritizes support for institutional changes and new models of service delivery, leaving some of the more traditional investment approaches to the broader government program.

  2. Duration. The Program will be implemented over 5 years (2021–26).

  3. Financing support. The total Program budget is US $701million, with US $ 150 million from IBRD, potential co-financing of US $150 million from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), and US $401 million as counterpart funding from GoTN and or the Implementing Agencies.

  4. Geographical coverage. The Program covers the CMA region. Among the ULBs, there is a special focus on GCC, as the largest and economically most important ULB in CMA.


The objective of the Program is to strengthen institutions and improve quality and financial sustainability of selected urban services in the Chennai Metropolitan Area.

The Program consists of the following activities:

Results Area 1: Strengthening institutions


    Strengthening the human resource capacity of GCC through revision of its staffing norms and cadre structure, strengthening of its recruitment process, and enhancement of opportunities for women.


    Operationalizing and strengthening the CUMTA as the key coordinating agency for urban mobility services across bus, metro, rail, road, and pedestrian services and infrastructure through the provision of the resources needed (such as staff, assistance to develop a strategic vision plan (i.e., the Comprehensive Mobility Plan) for its implementation, oversight and budgetary allocation.


    Supporting the establishment of a water regulatory authority with powers to coordinate water resource planning and management as well as improve water security.


    Enabling the adoption of an e-procurement system by GCC and CMWSSB, though the preparation of e-procurement roadmaps, contract management modules and public disclosure of contract awards.

Results Area 2: Enhancing the quality of urban services


    Improving the quality of and access to public health services with a focus on comprehensive primary health care through provision of support to GCC in the development and implementation of a comprehensive strategy and operational plan, expansion of access to comprehensive primary health care services in UPHCs, the strengthening of disease surveillance systems and development of a comprehensive digital health system in GCC.


    Strengthening the planning and management of municipal solid waste services and reducing waste generation through improved recycling and resource recovery from dry waste.


    Supporting the integrated planning and delivery of safe streets, urban space and utility infrastructure lines including through the setting up of a gender lab.


    Implementing performance-based contracts for the expansion and/or improvement in delivery of bus services in CMA and WSS services in GCC area.


    Improving efficiency, quality, inclusiveness and sustainability of WSS services through measures that include bulk water metering, establishing baseline on non-revenue water, increasing water-supply connections and institutional strengthening of CMWSSB.

Results Area 3: Improving financial sustainability of service agencies


    Strengthening GCC’s financial resource base to meet its service delivery expenditures in solid waste, public health and other key municipal services through the development and implementation of an action plan to enhance own-source revenue that includes improvements in administration of property tax and fees for services such as solid waste management and parking.


    Improving O&M cost recovery of WSS services delivered by CMWSSB through policy reforms for WSS services, adoption of energy efficiency measures and improvements in the billing, collection and financial management systems.


    Improving revenues and establishing transparent viability gap funding mechanisms for MTC through improvements in its cost recovery ratio and non-fare revenue streams as well as adoption of a transparent approach by the government to deliver financing to cover service delivery costs.


    DLI #1: Reduction in vacancy rates of Group A&B cadre of GCC to enhance professional capability


    DLI #2: Operationalization of CUMTA with enhanced capacity and control over sector budget allocation to oversee urban mobility in the metropolitan areas


    DLI #3: Strengthened institutions for coordinated water management and security


    DLI #4: Enhance efficiency and transparency of public procurement in GCC and CMWSSB


    DLI #5: GCC's health system strengthened through improved access to services and quality of care


    DLI #6: Performance-based contracts for bus service delivery to enhance quantity and quality of bus services


    DLI #7: Improved operational efficiency in water supply


    DLI #8: Improved access to water supply


    DLI #9: Percentage increase in GCC annual own-source-revenues


    DLI # 10: Improved financial sustainability and operational efficiency of WSS services


The Program’s institutional framework comprises of a two-tiered government system comprising state level and local level institutions and will be aligned with existing accountability relationships. At the state level, TNIDB, reporting to the state’s Finance Department (FD), is the Program coordination agency.

A Program Management Unit (PMU) under TNIDB has been formed for this program, with CEO TNIDB designated as the ex-officio Program Director. TNIDB will be responsible for carrying out Program monitoring, coordination and reporting activities and will coordinate closely with the Independent Verification Agency (IVA) on achievement of DLIs by the sector agencies. To facilitate and support implementation, TNIDB will coordinate with the relevant line departments, that is, the Departments of Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MAWS), Urban Development and Housing, PWD, Transport, and Health.

The main implementing agencies (IAs) are CMWSSB, MTC, WRD, GCC and, after operationalization, the CUMTA. The IAs are responsible for implementing the Program activities in their respective sectors and achieving the required results. In each IA, a nodal officer is designated for Program implementation and necessary technical expertise will be mobilized to ensure timely implementation.

GoTN vide G.O.Ms. No 34 of the Finance (Infrastructure Cell) Department dated 02.02.2022 has constituted a Program Steering Committee (PSC) under the Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary for strategic oversight, policy direction and monitoring of the Program. The PSC has the following representation.

1. Chief Secretary to Government Chairman
2. Additional Chief Secretary to Government/ Principal Secretary to Government, Finance Department Member
3. Additional Chief Secretary / Principal Secretary/ Secretary to Government, Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department Member
4. Additional Chief Secretary / Principal Secretary/ Secretary to Government, Transport Department Member
5. Additional Chief Secretary / Principal Secretary/ Secretary to Government, Water Resources Department Member
6. Additional Chief Secretary to Government/ Principal Secretary to Government, Health & Family Welfare Department Member
7. Chief Executive Officer, TNIDB/Program Director, Program Management Unit Member Secretary

Heads of Implementing Agencies

  • Water Resources Department
  • Greater Chennai Corporation
  • Metropolitan Transport Corporation (Chennai division) Ltd.
  • Chennai Metro Water Supply & Sewerage Board
9. Nodal Officers from the Implementing Agencies concerned Nodal Officers


Click on this link for CCP Dashboard - https://ccppiva.org/login


S No

Implementing Agency

Name of Procurement 

Nature of Work


Selected Agency

Contract Signing Date

Contract Value


Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (CMWSSB)

Project Management consultant for the work of “Designing, preparing detailed project report, cost estimate, and bid documents, assisting Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board in the bid process and bid evaluation, monitoring the implementation and assisting in the commissioning of work of Improvement of existing water distribution network in all the water distribution system in Areas-X and Area-XIII”



M/s Water Corporation of Odisha (WATCO)


4.5% of final approved DPR cost estimate


Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (CMWSSB)

Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Electromagnetic Flow meters with IoT Technology based data transfer facility and allied works in CMWSSB Water treatment plants, Water Distribution Stations, and filling stations including five years comprehensive Operation & maintenance.


DLR 7.2

M/s KS Smart Solutions Private Limited in consortium with M/s Indexel Engineering Private Limited


INR 44,92,52,739.04 (Including GST)


Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (CMWSSB)

Develop a robust baseline to measure the current levels of access to Water supply services – both quantity and quality – available to Households in the 15 areas in the Chennai city area that falls under the Jurisdiction of the Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) and CMWSSB’s Operational and financial performance


DLR 8.1

M/s DRA Consultants Limited in JV with M/s LinPico Sarl and M/s Steady-Taps Consulting (OPL) Pvt. Ltd.

29.05.2023 (Date of Work Order)

INR 4,24,73,362.50 (Inclusive of GST @ 18%)


Chennai Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority (CUMTA)

Selection of Consultant for updating the Comprehensive Mobility Plan for Chennai Metropolitan Area (5904 sq. km)


DLR 2.2

M/s. Systra MVA Consulting (India) Pvt. Ltd.,


INR  4,06,55,141


Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC)/Gender Lab

Safe stops- Inclusive bus stops- A study to study top 10 MTC bus routes used by women


RA 1: Reduction in women feeling unsafe in buses and public spaces

M/S Ipsos Research Pvt. Ltd

LOA issued on 07.03.2024

INR 28, 11, 940


Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC)/Gender Lab

Empower space: Co-designing gender inclusive Urban Environments


RA 1: Reduction in women feeling unsafe in buses and public spaces

M/S Design Co Lab

LOA issued on 07.03.2024

INR 13,59,360/-


Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC)

Construction of Pedestrian Plaza along Khader Nawaz Khan (KNK) road in Division 111, Zone -IX under Mega Street Project


RA 3: Increased availability of pedestrian-friendly multi utility streets

M/s. JS and Sons

LOA issued on 20.07.2023

INR 14,84,60,400


Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC)

Construction of Pedestrian Plaza along Monegar Choultry (MC) road in Division 51, Zone -V under Mega Street Project


RA 3: Increased availability of pedestrian-friendly multi utility streets

.M/s. Thomas Iyya Durai Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd.,

LOA issued on 01.09.2023

INR 22,03,74,010


Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTC)

Selection of Transaction Advisory (TA) for procuring 500 e-buses under GCC model


DLR 6.2

M/s Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System Limited (DIMTS)


Rs. 70,69,307 (Including GST)


Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTC)

Request for proposal for selection of an agency for conducting baseline and annual user satisfaction surveys on service level and quality of MTC bus services in Chennai Metropolitan Area


RA-2 Improvement in service delivery performance of MTC, disaggregated by gender and vulnerable groups

M/s IPSOS Research Private Ltd


Rs. 95,56,400 (Excluding GST)


Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTC)

Request for proposal (RFP) for selection of a consulting firm to operate Program management unit (PMU) in Metropolitan Transport Corporation (Chennai) Ltd.


Program Management Unit

M/s Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP


Rs. 6,08, 59,012.50 (Exclusive of GST) (For 4 years)