Tamil Nadu Infrastructure
Development Board

Tamil Nadu Infrastructure
Development Board


Tamil Nadu Infrastructure
Development Board


Tamil Nadu Infrastructure
Development Board


Tamil Nadu Infrastructure
Development Board


Tamil Nadu Infrastructure
Development Board

Tamil Nadu Infrastructure
Development Board



Tamil Nadu Infrastructure Development Board (TNIDB), set up under the Tamil Nadu Infrastructure Development Act (TNID Act) 2012, is the nodal agency for infrastructure development in the State of Tamil Nadu. TNIDB plays a critical role in infrastructure development in the State by facilitating project development in a seamless, efficient and transparent manner. The TNID Act along with the Rules and Regulations thereof provides TNIDB with the necessary administrative authority and lay down a clear framework of processes and procedures to:

  •  - Create an enabling and facilitative environment
  •  - Identify, prioritise and implement infrastructure projects
  •  - Enable private sector participation where feasible



get to know about us

TNIDB Activities

The Board is a multi-faceted organisation constituted to act as a


    Catalyst for project development


    Project facilitator


    Policy driver


    Project monitoring agency


    Management of state support to projects

TamilNadu Infrastructure Development




    Solution for small and large businesses volup accusantium doloremque laudantium.


    100% Satisfaction

    Solution for small and large businesses volup accusantium doloremque laudantium.


    Data & Research

    Solution for small and large businesses volup accusantium doloremque laudantium.

Recently completed work

How Can We Help?

Voluptate velit essect quis
tempor orci. Suspendisse
that potenti faucibus.


    Refresing to get such touch


    Duis aute irure dolor in


    Reprehenderit in voluptate


    Velit esse cillum dolore eu


    Fugiat nulla pariatur

TNIDB Sectors